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Quote from Dina in Cloud Green

Dina: Did you say it was okay for Glenn's pastor to set up a booth in the store?
Amy: Yeah, he's just handing out little plants.
Dina: Well, that's how it starts. Then, next thing you know, cult leaders are handing out little tiny cups of Kool-Aid. Drink up, everybody!
Amy: That's a big, dark leap. Look, it's fine. It's just this one time. Plus, Glenn had already told him he could do it, so...
Dina: Yeah, but you're the manager. You can't let Glenn start walking all over you. You need to come down on him hard.
Amy: I think you just want to watch me yell at Glenn.
Dina: This has nothing to do with my personal feelings. Would I enjoy watching you yell at Glenn? Of course I would. Would I prefer to do the yelling? Great question. No. I think it would be more fun to be a spectator.
Amy: Hmm.
Dina: Would I judge you if you lost it all and it became physical? Of course not. Would it be our little secret? Absolutely.

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