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Quote from Amy in Minor Crimes

Amy: Oh, hey! Laurie! What's up, girl? It's been, like, forever. [awkwardly hugs Laurie] How's the district manager world? #DMLife, right?
Laurie: Uh, I'm still doing some physical therapy from when you ran me over with the golf cart.
Amy: Yup, yeah. Um, well, anyway, since Glenn is stepping down, I was wondering if, maybe, I could interview for the job.
Laurie: You want to be manager?
Amy: Yeah, um, well, I've been here for 15 years, and I did really well in the Cloud 9 Academy.
Laurie: Oh, wow. Okay. You did the one day, uh, training session near the airport?
Amy: I'm not sure what it being near an airport has to do with anything.
Laurie: I'm sorry. I would really love to interview you, but I actually have another candidate in mind, so...
Amy: Oh. Okay. Great. Yeah. Well, um, if that guy falls through or, you know, if anything else opens up, I... I would love to throw my hat in the ring. Shwoop! Sorry, I just touched your boob.

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