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Quote from Amy in Minor Crimes

Blaine: Okay, so I heard that if you look directly into the scanner light, you instantly go blind.
Amy: [to Dina] This weirdly makes me feel better, 'cause it wasn't about me being unqualified. She just wanted to hire her son.
Dina: Yeah, but you can't let her do that. You need to go back up to her and tell her that she needs to either give you a real shot at this job, or you'll go to corporate and tell them about her little nepotism hire.
Amy: No, I'm not gonna go tell on her like I'm 12. Besides, corporate doesn't care. It would be a waste of my time.
Blaine: [to Amy] Hey, um, you're the floor supervisor, right?
Amy: Uh-huh.
Blaine: Great, awesome, um. Can you tell me where inventory is?
Amy: Uh, yeah, it's sort of all around us.
Blaine: Yes, yes, thank you. I will... I will go look into that. Thank you.

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