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Quote from Amy in Minor Crimes

Amy: So, should I start with my qualifications?
Laurie: So I don't really think that you are qualified, but, you know, it is your interview, so...
Amy: Okay, all right, um, well, I've been at Cloud 9 for 15 years. I have strong relationships with the staff, and over time, we have really built a mutual respect and trust. [Laurie picks up her phone] Um, sorry, do you need a minute?
Laurie: No, I'm fine. No. Keep going.
Amy: Okay, uh, well, as far as specifics go-
Man: [on video] Yo, yo, yo, it's HotNuts here. I've undertaken a number of initiatives.
Amy: [loudly] Uh, for starters, I streamlined our go-backs process so that we waste less time in restock, and also I reorganized the women's wear section so that basics like camisoles and strapless bras were easier to find during wedding season.
Man: Oh, God! They look really bad!
Amy: I'm not getting this job, am I?
Laurie: No.

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