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Quote from Carol in Toxic Workplace

Carol: Need help finding anything, Jer-Bear?
Jerry: Yeah, I'm looking for some art with just, like, words on it. Like maybe it says dream or cat or Merlot. I don't know, I'm not an artist.
Carol: Let's see what we can find. You look amazing, by the way. What have you lost, like, 10 pounds?
Jerry: I don't know. I've never weighed myself.
Carol: [laughs] You are so funny! You make me laugh harder than anybody! I mean, I am laughing so hard, I am crying. [lifts up top] [laughs] Oh. Oh, sorry. I forgot I wasn't wearing a bra.
Jerry: Uh, that's okay.
Carol: I am so embarrassed. Don't look at my face. [lifts up top again]

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