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Quote from Mateo in Part-Time Hires

Mateo: Oh. I'm, like, obsessed with the gym. I live there. I'm really into, like, core stuff and just all sports in general.
Scott: I mean, whatever you're doing, it's... It's working.
Mateo: Oh.
Scott: Hey, um, you think I could get that badge for the bathroom again?
Mateo: Oh. Oof. Um. You know what? I would love to, um, but I could actually get into trouble with my boss.
Scott: Oh.
Mateo: Yeah, I mean, I am a bad boy, but not that way.
Scott: Sure. I'll just, uh... use the porta-potty, then.
Mateo: Okay, well, don't take too long. We haven't even traded stretching tips yet.

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