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Quote from Mateo in Brett's Dead

Glenn: I think it's very, very likely that he is still alive. But if you two are upset about his disappearance, then you can take a break for a while.
Cheyenne: Oh, no, that's okay, we don't...
Mateo: Thank you, Glenn. We, um, we could really use a chance to sit and reflect. You know, Brett was like a father to me, so...
Cheyenne: Yeah, and he was... he was like a grandfather to me.
Mateo: [clears throat] Uh, I'm young enough that he was also like a grandfather to me.
Glenn: I had no idea. Well, you two take as long as you need, okay? You know, a book of Matthew says, "Blessed are those who mourn..."
Cheyenne: Glenn, we're gonna mourn in our own way.
Mateo: [whispers] Yeah.

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