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Quote from Glenn in Guns, Pills and Birds

Tate: So just the morning-after pill? [man and woman nod] That would have been my guess. My man. All right. Okeydokey. So a couple things you need to know about this bad boy.
Glenn: Hey, Tate. You want to see some pictures of my kids?
Tate: No. Gross. I hate kids.
Glenn: Wait till you see how cute they are. Children are such a gift.
Woman: Oh.
Glenn: How do I call up these pictures? All right, just give me a sec. [reads paper] "Viewing photos. Go to the home screen by tapping Menu button."
Woman: I'm sorry. We really need to get going.
Tate: Of course. Glenn, would you just cut it out? Let them buy the damn pill.
Glenn: Would you mind very much if I just cut in front of you? I am in a huge rush. Huge!
Woman: I guess.
Glenn: Thank you. All right. Yeah, hi, I'd like to buy all of your morning-after pills, please. [to the couple] Big weekend. Gonna get all liquored up and promiscuous.

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