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Quote from Glenn in Olympics

Dina: Glenn, you did not tell me you'd be using actual fire.
Glenn: Yes, I did. I put it in my column in the newsletter.
Dina: Nobody reads "Glenn's Corner," okay?
Glenn: Did you read my thing on gluten?
Dina: Absolutely not.
Glenn: Yeah, well, it was good.
Dina: This is a hazard.
Glenn: I got a lot of... How is that a hazard?
Dina: No, the fire, not the gluten.
Glenn: How is that a hazard?
Jonah: Uh, Glenn.
Glenn: No, Myrtle! That's not the cauldron!
Myrtle: Oh.
Glenn: It's okay, it's just a little baby fire! [all exclaiming, screaming] All right, okay, I've got this! I've got this! [fire alarm ringing] Everybody evacuate the store!

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