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Quote from Dina in Perfect Store

Dina: Hey. I thought you might want a snack since you're stuck back here.
Amy: So you thought I was gonna eat five bags of Doritos?
Dina: No, I just wanted to give you flavor options. I'll put the rest of them back.
Amy: No, I don't want to make more work for you.
Dina: Thank you. Very thoughtful. Hey, it really means a lot that you came back here even knowing you'd have to deal with the Jonah of it all.
Amy: Yeah, well, I mean, it's less weird than I thought it would be. It's actually kinda nice. I mean, it's nice to see everybody. Anyway, so you're really not with Garrett?
Dina: Oh, he wishes. Yeah, he's obsessed with me. I'll take pity on him. We go to the odd dinner. I spend, like, three nights a week at his house. We take weekend trips. [laughs] He loves it. It's pathetic.

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