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Quote from Garrett in Conspiracy

Garrett: So, uh, what do we think of Havarti cheese?
Jonah: [sighs] I don't know. It's a cheese.
Garrett: All right. You know what, man? This needs to stop. You're over here playing the victim, but you don't even remember all the times that you hurt my feelings.
Jonah: Oh, yeah, what did I do, rank the Predator movies wrong?
Garrett: No, but there was one time I told you I was gonna make dinner. I went all out. I went to, like, three different grocery stores, and then you just texted me and told me you were having dinner with Amy. Totally forgot about it.
Jonah: Oh, well, why didn't you say anything?
Garrett: Because why bring something up just to make your friend feel bad?
Jonah: Garrett, I-I feel terrible. I- I don't even remember.
Garrett: Huh, it's funny how that happens, huh?
Jonah: This is good. This is the communication that we need, you know? This is... This is good for us. Havarti, great cheese on a sandwich, but it's got kind of a creamy body, and so if you're gonna be putting it on the sandwich, it needs to be layered with maybe a crunch...

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