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Quote from Mateo in Ground Rules

Mateo: Oh, hey. No biggie, but when I mentioned no stickers on your clipboard, I meant, like, no stickers period.
Cheyenne: Look, I'm really sorry that you had to stop being floor supervisor, but I just need to do this my own way, okay?
Mateo: Okay. I just figured you'd want to do the job well instead of, you know, having Carol do the worm to get out of go-backs.
Cheyenne: Well, I actually think I'm doing a really good job. Yeah, the games and stuff are dorky, but they help people forget that their job sucks for a second.
Mateo: I'm just saying you might want to listen to the gold standard floor supervisor.
Cheyenne: You weren't even given the job. You just started saying that you had it. At least I was, like, chosen to do this.
Mateo: Yeah, because I wasn't eligible, okay? If they could've had a professional like me, they wouldn't have put up with your rainbow sparkle Hello Kitty crap.
Cheyenne: Oh, okay. We're being honest now? Well, this morning when you asked me about your nose pores, I lied. They are visible. You could dunk a basketball in them. [Mateo gasps]

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