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Quote from Glenn in Floor Supervisor

Garrett: You remember when I dated that girl Alex that worked here?
Glenn: Uh, oh, yeah, of course.
Garrett: Can you please tell Sandra that we were in love and not just hooking up? I mean, we hung out all the time. Remember?
Glenn: Oh... Oh, yeah, yeah. You guys were joined at the hip for a while, there.
Garrett: Thank you.
Glenn: Became a problem though 'cause he was also seeing Candace from pharmacy.
Garrett: Okay, we don't need to get into that.
Sandra: So you were in love, but you were also dating someone else.
Glenn: Yes, and then Alex found out about Candace, and then they refused to work the same shifts together. I'm getting stressed just talking about it. I'm gonna go call Jerusha. [gasps] Don't tell Carol. And if she asks, you saw my thigh bruise, and it was hideous. All thanks to Mateo.

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