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Quote from Amy in Essential

Amy: Okay. Okay, we're going to keep this meeting short today because I have to jump on another call. But look at what came today! Safety supplies! What is that?
Mateo: Anti-looting procedures.
Garrett: Oh, wow.
Jonah: Of course, you see what we did wrong, guys? If you wanted to be protected by corporate, you should have been merchandise.
Isaac: Hey, if the protests are gonna continue, we need to protect the store from looters.
Jonah: Oh, come on. The looting is overblown. 99% of the protests have been peaceful.
Isaac: I'm just saying. I got into a Best Buy through a window.
Mateo: There are also these signs to put up.
Garrett: "Zephra believes in the Black community"? What are we, ghosts?
Amy: Yeah, we're not putting any of that up. But if anybody asks, we put it all up.

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