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Quote from Amy in Curbside Pickup

Marcus: So, I met your brother. You guys are so different. He seems super cool.
Amy: Thank you.
Marcus: I really hope it works out between him and Mateo. You know, it'd be good for Mateo to just, like, settle down a little bit. He's been dating so hard, Tita Irma had to put foam on the walls just so she could sleep. Me, I like the white noise.
Amy: Wait, what are you talking about? Mateo said he's not dating right now.
Marcus: Oh! My boy's dating. It's like he'll go out with literally anybody.
Amy: Are you serious? So, what, my brother's just not good enough for him? Eric is a frickin' cutie. He has a cutie patootie. We're all good-looking. It's a hot family.
Marcus: Yeah.

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