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Quote from Mateo in Self-Care

Dan: Well you're clearly qualified and I've always thought you were one of the coolest guys here. You waved at me once, do you remember?
Mateo: Yes, of course. Yeah. I was like... and you were like...
Dan: Yeah, exactly. Yes, right. Well, anyway. You got the job. Can you start today?
Mateo: Yes, definitely! I'd love to.
Dan: Great, I'll show you the ropes. Oh, my God... that's just a figure of speech, you know that, right? There's no ropes.
Mateo: Got that. Uh, don't you need my info, though?
Dan: Oh, whoops! How silly of me. I completely forgot to do any sort of paperwork. [whispers] I didn't really forget. It's because you're undocumented.
Mateo: Oh. So, you know.
Dan: Know what? [winks] Did you see the... the wink I did?
Mateo: Oh, my God. Thank you so much. You really are doing a great thing for me.
Dan: I know. I read this thing online about "white savior complex," and I guess that's me.
Mateo: Did you read the whole thing?
Dan: Wow. Dan, the White Savior. Wow.
Mateo: Wow, yeah.

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