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Quote from Cheyenne in Mall Closing

Cheyenne: Okay, stop messing with Sandra.
Maeve: Literally, what are you talking about?
Cheyenne: Oh, you know. You've got her all like, "Oh, boy, somebody likes me, and I have something to live for for once?" It's mean.
Sandra: Was that supposed to be me?
Cheyenne: Yeah, I'm sticking up for you. Next thing, you're gonna be going after her hair and, you know, the way that she stands.
Hazel: Oh, my God. You're bullying her.
Maeve: I've never met an actual bully in real life. I thought they were just in, like, old movies in the 1990s.
Cheyenne: No, you're the bullies.
Hazel: Ma'am, I hope you find peace, okay?

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