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Quote from Amy in Salary

Jonah: You get an assistant and it's Myrtle?
Amy: Well, I just wanted to help the lady out. Besides, I am in a good mood.
Jonah: Ooh-hoo-hoo. What's going on?
Amy: I just found out my salary.
Jonah: [gasps] It's good?
Amy: I shouldn't say.
Jonah: You are dying to tell me.
Amy: Yes, of course I'm dying to tell you. Okay, I'm not gonna tell you my salary, but will you please hand me the contract that's sitting on my desk while I check out something on my wall and I trust you not to look? [chuckles]
Jonah: "Attention Cloud 9 customers, do you have a pet fish you love?"
Amy: No, that's this is the sale announcements.
Jonah: The sale announcements that Myrtle just took to Garrett?
Amy: Get her! Myrtle!

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