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Quote from Amy in Minor Crimes

Laurie: Amy! "The Aiming of the Shrew."
Amy: Hey, Laurie.
Laurie: I have been meaning to talk to you. I want to make you a manager.
Amy: Um, what? What, uh, me? What about Blaine?
Laurie: He... Blaine's great. Um, it's just you know, I've been thinking about it, and I looked through your file, and clearly, you're the most qualified person here, so...
Amy: Um, wow. That is a lot to take in all of a sudden.
Laurie: Big, big opportunity.
Amy: I know, um, just before I say yes or no, I just want to be clear. Um, if you're offering it to me because I'm the best person for the job, then yes! I will take and I will be kick-ass. But if you're offering it to me because of [sniff] Then, uh, you know, you don't have to do that. It's not like I'm going to go tell anyone.
Laurie: Really? Wow. Okay. I appreciate that. Not too many people would do that. [clicks tongue]
Amy: Thank you. Sorry, wait, I'm sorry. Uh, so where did we land exactly?
Laurie: What do you mean?
Amy: Do I have the job?
Laurie: But I thought you just turned it down.
Amy: Well, no, I mean, that just only if you were offering it to me because of the drug thing, but if you were offering it to me because of my abilities, then...
Laurie: Hmm. So this is awkward.

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