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Quote from Amy in Minor Crimes

Amy: And then she just offered me the job.
Dina: This is awesome! You and me, manager, assistant manager? Oh, it's going to be like we're Bush and Cheney. You know, I'm the brains pulling all the strings behind the scenes, and you're the super sexy puppet.
Amy: What? I'm- I'm- I didn't take the job.
Dina: What? Why?
Amy: Because that's not how I wanna get the job. If they're going to hire me, I want it to be because I'm the most qualified person. [Dina sighs]
Blaine: Hey, so I guess we're just out of green beans. Should I get somebody to go buy more from another Cloud 9?
Amy: Is that really what you think you should do?
Blaine: I guess. Right? I just hope they're not selling them for more than we are, or else we're losing money on this. Okay.

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