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Quote from Cheyenne in Cloud 9 Academy

Gary: All right, everybody, you did it, give yourselves a hand. [applause] Don't forget on your way out to pick up a diploma. There's a blank spot where you can write in your name. Or if you really want, I can try to figure out how to do it on the printer. Let's go, come on.
Amy: So, I kinda got in my own head today and probably could have been cooler.
Cheyenne: Yeah, you sucked.
Amy: For the record, you did imply I was a pill-popping workplace predator.
Cheyenne: I did, that was awesome.
Sheila: Hey, ladies. The guys from the embalming seminar invited us out for drinks. They said they could show us the dead bodies.
Amy: I mean, I could get a drink.
Cheyenne: Dead bodies? Hell yeah. I haven't been to a dead body party since high school.

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