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Quote from Glenn in All-Nighter

Garrett: Hey, well, at least it's quiet. We don't have to listen to that stupid muzak they make us play.
Glenn: I actually kind of like the music. It makes me feel like I'm on hold all day.
Garrett: Glenn, you like everything about this store. That's weird, man.
Glenn: Well... I don't like everything about this store. Truth be told, the backsplash in the employee's bathroom, It's, like, B-minus, at best.
Garrett: That's the only thing that bugs you about this company?
Glenn: Well, I guess the aisles are a bit too close together... and sometimes the folks in charge don't treat me like I'm a human being with feelings.
Garrett: Mm-hmm.
Cheyenne: Yeah, that's a bummer.

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