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Quote from Glenn in Secret Shopper

Glenn: I don't understand what's gotten into you. You're just lucky that Jonah doesn't take these kinds of things personally.
Amy: Jonah?
Glenn: Do you know what he said to me when I asked him if he was going to fire you? He said, "I can't do that."
Amy: 'Cause he can't. I'm his boss.
Glenn: Oh, right. You are saying something that is true to you. Oh, sorry. [answers phone] Yeah? Sweetie, great news. I'm getting a raise! There'll be money for the houseboat and for your mom's surgery.
Amy: Hey, Glenn?
Glenn: Hmm?
Amy: Can I get back to work?
Glenn: Yeah. Just play nice with Jonah. Unless you want to spend the rest of your day doing backbreaking work in the stockroom.

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