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Quote from Amy in Secret Shopper

Teenager: [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers. Dildos are on sale for 69 cents in aisle 69.
Amy: [over PA] Hey, bozo, we're using the intercom! Get off!
Teenager: Why don't you take your own advice? Baba Booey, Baba Booey! Howard Stern for president!
Glenn: Hey, I need that! Penis, penis, penis! Karen Figoletto is a skank!
Amy: Actually, kid, that's a lot more insightful than anything Jonah's got to say today.
Jonah: [over PA] Our manager seems to think I'm very insightful.
Amy: Yes, that's because you're a little ass-kissing [bleep]face. [puts receiver down]
Woman: Oh...
Amy: Have a heavenly day.

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