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Quote from Dina in Shots and Salsa

Amy: Try a free sample of our new salsa, sir? [man walks by] It's good.
Dina: Nope, absolutely not. People are not gonna buy salsa from you unless they think it's authentic. You got to add some "indigenous-ness." You know? Just put a little Vergara on it. [as Sofia Vergara] You want to buy some salsa? Is for charity! Oh, Jay, thank you for my necklace!
Amy: No, stop it. I'm not going to put on a fake accent and I'm not gonna make up fake charities.
Dina: The charity is real. Yeah, check it out. All the proceeds go to the La Benevolencia Orphanage in Los Nogales, Mexico. There's a different child on every jar. I think it's a collect 'em all situation.
Amy: Well, fine, that's great. That's a very worthy cause, but I think my dignity is worth a little bit more than a few bucks for charity.
Dina: Ah, these are all Juan S's. I've already got that one. Oh, score, Luisa M.! She was born without knees, but she loves to dance. Must be mostly upper body stuff.

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