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Quote from Jeff in Town Hall

Amy: Can we talk about Myrtle?
Jeff: Yes. I'm sorry, okay, so, um... There was a mandate to write up any employee over the age of 70 to give us a pretext for firing them, okay? It didn't matter for what. I once wrote Myrtle up for wearing gang colors, and I know she's not a Crip.
Amy: Why would they do that?
Jonah: Old people are slower, they have higher medical costs.
Amy: I was asking Jeff.
Jeff: Um... that.
Amy: So, what you're saying is Myrtle is now out there collecting cans for coins because you needed to increase the bottom line.
Jeff: Look, that's just the corporate culture over there. It's the mindset. Anything is justified as long as it saves a dollar. Believe me, if there was something I could do to change that, I would.
Amy: Well, maybe there is.

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