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Quote from Jonah in Video Game Release

Jonah: Okay, so it seems like there's another access point on this floor right around... uh, this office.
Amy: Really, where?
Jonah: According to this, it's right there.
Amy: Well, there's clearly nothing there.
Jonah: To the naked eye. There might be a false wall, you know? The thing about drywall is, you have to listen to it. Because it sings a song.
Amy: Oh.
Jonah: It lets you know where you need to go.
Amy: Uh-huh.
Jonah: What I'm trying to do right now is find a hollow spot, okay? They're pretty much all hollow spots.
Amy: Maybe this is it?
Jonah: Oh.
Amy: I'm just guessing.
Jonah: I see what I did there. I confused the title block and the revision block.
Amy: Totally, yeah, that happens all the time.

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