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Quote from Jeff in Workplace Bullying

Jeff: The point is, we all know what bullying is; harassment, name-calling...
Ken: Sometimes it seems like you're calling someone a name but then it's their actual name. I once met a Greek guy named Herpes, or something like that.
Garrett: I thought you fired that dude.
Glenn: I did. Twice.
Jeff: Okay, so, what are some other examples?
Cheyenne: Moron, A-hole...
Kelly: Bimbo.
Mateo: Bald jerk.
Ken: Herpes when their name is not Herpes.
Dina: Va-Jonah.
Roger: Opus Dei. Pasty freak.
Jeff: Okay, I meant other examples of bullying, not name-calling. But nobody here should be calling you those.
Roger: Oh, no. That was just my doctors.

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