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Quote from Dina in Spokesman Scandal

Glenn: Hey, how's it going?
Dina: Great. We get the results tomorrow and I'll call everyone who's fired. Actually, I'll just call those who aren't fired. It'll save me some time.
Glenn: No, I don't want to start firing people. Okay, look, maybe we shouldn't be doing this.
Dina: Look, I get it. You love these people. I do too, but we told them there would be a urine test, so we have to follow through on this or they won't respect us.
Glenn: I... I don't believe that's true.
Dina: It is true. They'll think we're weak and they'll think we're liars. Is that who we are? Huh? Are we weak liars?
Glenn: No, we're strong truth tellers.
Dina: Heck yeah we are. Pep up. The lab comes at 5:00. [a customer grabs a sample jar] You know that's human urine, right? Suit yourself.

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