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Quote from Amy in Strike

Mo Frank: I'm Mo Frank, reporting live from the Cloud 9 on Ozark Highlands Road where things are anything but heavenly. We're here with Amy "Dub-anowski," who is one of...
Amy: "Doob-anowski."
Mo Frank: I'm sorry?
Dina: "Doob-anowski."
Mo Frank: Amy "Doob-anowski," who is the organizer of this protest. Amy, uh, what's this about?
Amy: Thank you, Mo. Well, we are Cloud 9 employees, and we are asking people to boycott the store. Really, what it comes down to, what this is all about is...
Woman: Making sure that transgender people should not be allowed in a women's bathroom!
Amy: What? No, that's not at all...
Mo Frank: So, Amy Dubanowski, why is restricting trans rights so important to you?
Amy: No, it's... it's not.
Jonah: I'm sorry, there's been a misunderstanding. I tweeted out to my 1,506 followers, and I should have been more clear that we're just protesting our thing.
Man: Down with the government! Statehood for Puerto Rico!
Amy: No! No! Okay. This is about workers' rights. Workers' rights. We're asking customers to boycott the store because this company is a rat, okay? It is a dirty, filthy rat!
Mo Frank: I believe that's actually a teddy bear.
Amy: Yeah, Mo, I can see that it's a teddy bear.

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