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Quote from Glenn in Deep Cleaning

Tony: Since you guys are taking suggestions...
Garrett: We're not...
Tony: My girlfriend and I were gonna paint mugs for each other for Valentine's Day. I was gonna do a raptor on hers. It would've been sick.
Garrett: Okay, so you're saying that you want us to set up a mug painting station?
Glenn: No, no. Garrett, it's okay. I just need a pen and a piece of paper to write all these great ideas down.
Garrett: Yeah, they're great. [quietly] Hey, uh, Glenn? You don't need to kill yourself.
Glenn: Yeah, but come on. You see how badly they need this. [Garrett sighs] Okay! So who's got requests? Let me hear it.
Cody: My mom makes this menudo for Nochebuena. [sighs] Next level.

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