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Quote from Garrett in Biscuit

Woman: [on phone] You've made a wise choice. Ojai Medical is the ultimate source for all your medical needs.
Garrett: Well, I don't really have a medical need. I'm just retail worker who's trying to return a dialysis machine. The OM OptiFlow 800.
Woman: Sure. The OptiFlow is a revolution in the world of hemodialysis. With integrated bolus tracking, it's never easier...
Garrett: Hey, no, no, no. Look. I don't care how it works or what kind of tracking it has.
Bruce: Integrated bolus tracking.
Garrett: Right. I don't care. I just need the product number so I can get on with my life. [to another customer] What? Are you seriously trying to return that right now?
Woman: Yeah, I bought it at DCI Marine, but the website said I could return it here.
Bruce: Hope you're not in a hurry. [whispers] I think he's new.
Garrett: Come on.

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