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Quote from Sandra in Biscuit

Mateo: You guys are probably wondering what happened to all that money y'all donated.
Jonah: What? No. We would... No, that did not even cross our minds.
Mateo: Forgot if I even put in any.
Sandra: I don't remember if...
Mateo: I did. I definitely chipped in. I did.
Sandra: [laughs] Well, don't worry. The money went to a good place. [lifts up necklace] It's Biscuit.
Mateo: Uh, what?
Sandra: The vet's office recommended this thing called eternalizing where they take your pet's remains, and they turn it into a diamond. Now she'll be with me forever. Isn't that amazing?
Jonah: Wow, look what you did there. That's... That is just... Wow.

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