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Quote from Garrett in Biscuit

Bruce: Hi there. I would like to return this.
Garrett: Yeah, we don't take people's personal inventions.
Bruce: Oh, no, it's a dialysis machine. I don't need it anymore. My transplant took, and I'm producing an obscene amount of urine.
Garrett: Okay, well, we don't sell those here, so you're just gonna have to take it back to wherever you got it.
Bruce: Well, actually, the new Cloud 9 policy states that any item sold by Zephra or a Zephra subsidiary must be accepted as a return. See that? See?
Garrett: Uh, okay. I mean, I'm assuming that that is what it says. Where did you get it?
Bruce: Ojai Medical, which is owned by Malachite Solutions, whose parent company is... Zephra.
Garrett: Okay, didn't realize Zephra was in the medical game. Also never cared or thought about it. So let's do this, my man. On it. Just give me one second here. [keys clacking] [computer beeps] Hmm. [computer beeps] Wait. [computer beeps] Why is it... wait. Oh. [computer beeps]
Bruce: Maybe you need to call on somebody who's a little more tech savvy.
Garrett: What? I am tech savvy. Okay, I have three monitors at home. I haven't minimized a window in four years. Okay, why don't you just go browse around the store for a little bit?
Bruce: Right, yeah, I go browse, maybe I find a towel I like, I buy it, then you're laughing all the way to the bank.
Garrett: Yes, I benefit greatly from you buying a towel.

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