George Quote #1556

Quote from George in The Strongbox

Jerry: Check these out. These are Jerry Lewis' old cufflinks that he actually wore in the movie Cinderfella. I got 'em at an auction.
George: I got some cufflinks I could've loaned you.
Jerry: No, Jerry Lewis is gonna be at this Friar's Club roast I'm going to next week. Now I have an in to strike up a conversation with him.
George: You already have an in. You have the same first name. Jerry.
Jerry: Oh, that'll intrigue him.
George: Well, it worked when I met George Peppard last week.
Jerry: George Peppard has been dead for years.
George: Well, whoever he was, he knew a lot about The A-Team.


 ‘The Strongbox’ Quotes

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Now, I gotta find a good place to hide this key. Because if somebody finds this, they hold the key to all my possessions.
Elaine: Literally.
Kramer: 'Literally'? What's that supposed to mean?

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Hey. It happened again. Another robbery in the building.
Jerry: So you bought a cooler?
Kramer: It's a strongbox to protect my irreplaceables.
Elaine: And what would those be?
Kramer: Some taxidermy that's been in my family for generations. My Tony, my military discharge.
Jerry: You were in the Army?
Kramer: Briefly.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: You mind if I hide this somewhere?
Jerry: No, go ahead.
Kramer: [waits for Jerry to look away] A little privacy, huh?
Jerry: Oh, come on!
Kramer: Come on, Jerry, this is a security issue. Boy, you wouldn't last a day in the Army.
Jerry: How long did you last?
Kramer: Well, that's classified.