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Quote from Kramer in The Cartoon

Sally Weaver: Hey, you're Jerry's friend. You're kooky. Mind if I sit? My show is going well. Have you seen it yet? You should. Everybody else in town has. Oh, you know what, I got recognized the other day. How weird is that? I know. At first I liked the attention. But after a while it's like, "Whoa, take three steps back. Get a life," okay? Of course, there wouldn't be a Sally Weaver without the fans, you know what I mean? But who am I, anyway? I mean, there's Sally Weaver the woman. Sally Weaver the artist. Sally Weaver...
Kramer: You know, you've gotta shut up. I'm sorry. I haven't spoken in days.
Sally Weaver: Well, lay it on me, string bean.

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