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Quote from Kramer in The Shower Head

Salesman: All right, I got everything here. I got the Cyclone F series, Hydra Jet Flow, Stockholm Superstream, you name it.
Jerry: What do you recommend?
Salesman: What are you looking for?
Kramer: Power, man. Power.
Newman: Like Silkwood.
Kramer: That's for radiation.
Newman: That's right.
Kramer: Now, what is this?
Salesman: That's the Commando 450, I don't sell that one. What about thi-
Kramer: Well, that's what we want, the Commando 450.
Salesman: Nah, believe me. It's only used in the circus. For elephants.
Newman: We'll pay anything. We've got the... What about Jerry?
Kramer: He couldn't handle that. He's delicate.

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