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Quote from Elaine in The Pledge Drive

High Pitched Voice: Hello?
Elaine: [on the phone] Hi, it's Elaine. Listen, I was just talking to Jerry.
High Pitched Voice: Jerry?
Elaine: Jerry Seinfeld.
High Pitched Voice: Oh, I like Jerry a lot.
Elaine: You mean like like?
High Pitched Voice: What are you talking about?
Elaine: Noreen, were you hitting on him?
[meanwhile, we see a bald man on the other end of the line]
High Pitched Voice: Noreen's not here, this is Dan.
Elaine: Ooh.
Dan: You say that Noreen was hitting on Jerry Seinfeld?
Elaine: Uh, I'll call you back later. [hangs up] Uh oh.
Jerry: So was I right? She likes me, right?

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