Quote from Kramer in The Fire
Toby: [exuberantly] These are great! Just great! Really great! Really, really great! Don't you think so, Elaine? Elaine: [unimpressed] Yeah, really great. Toby: A coffee table book about coffee tables! How did you come up with this idea? Kramer: It was there! Toby: Oh, look at this one! It's saying, "I'm a coffee table, put some coffee on me! Oh, the hotter the better, that's what I'm here for!" [laughs] Elaine: You know, actually, I've got some work I gotta do, so... Kramer: Hey, how about if the book came with these little fold-out legs, so the book itself becomes a coffee table? Toby: Oh, that is a great idea! Really, really great!