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Quote from Elaine in The Pez Dispenser

Noel: Did you see her?
George: Me? Uh, uh, no...
Jerry: Well, anyone who would laugh at a recital is probably some sort of lunatic anyway. I mean, only a sick twisted mind could be that rude and ignorant.
Elaine: Well, you know, maybe some mental defective put something stupid on her leg.
Jerry: Even if this so called mental defective did put something on her leg she's still the one who laughed.
Noel: I'll never forget that laugh for the rest of my life. [exits]
Elaine: Well, I'm sure she would apologize if she could. Probably somebody is holding her back. Maybe against every fiber in her being.
George: Well, if she want's to continue to have a fiber of her being she'll be very careful.

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