Quote from Jerry in The Note
Jerry: You hear about that kid that was kidnapped the other day in Pennsylvania? Julianna: No. Jerry: He was at a carnival with his mother. She goes to get a hot dog. Next thing you know she turns around, boom, he's gone. Julianna: Oh. Jerry: Imagine how sick a person has to be to do something like that. And these people are all over the place. You never know who's crazy, I could be one of these people. Julianna: [visibly uncomfortable] Have you seen any good movies? Jerry: Who takes care of your boy during the day? Julianna: We have a woman. Why? Jerry: No, no. I'm just saying. Julianna: She had references. Jerry: I'm sure she did, I'm sure they're impeccable. I'm talking about the ones that forge them. You know, I think this is really helping. Julianna: I don't live near here, you know!