Quote from Jerry in The Baby Shower
Jerry: Explain to me how this baby shower thing works. Elaine: What do you wanna know? Jerry: Well, I mean, does it ever erupt into a drunken orgy of violence? Elaine: Rarely. Jerry: There's no hazing of the fetus, or anything, is there? Elaine: No, nuh-uh. Jerry: When is this suppose to be? Elaine: Saturday. Jerry: Saturday? Well, I have a show in Buffalo on Saturday. They're not gonna bust up my apartment, or anything, are they? Elaine: No, I'll take full responsibility. You won't regret it. Jerry: No, 'cause I've seen these pregnant women, and they sometimes misjudge their fetal girth. Just like one wrong turn, and the whole buffet is, like, right off the table.