Quote from Turk in Our Drunk Friend
Turk: All right, class, first order of business is simple. We're gonna take out our... J.D., what are you doing? J.D.: Just watching you teach. Turk: You know, in this light, You look like Denzel Washington in The Great Debaters. Turk: Come on, man. I'm working here. Now listen. If you- You know that's what I was going for, right? J.D.: It's pretty obvious. Turk: All right, class, you now have 30 seconds to list the adductor muscles of the hip. Your group does not want to be last. Ready? Go. J.D.: [v.o.] The pressure here can make some students crack. Man: [screams] Turk: Amir, you can't just be grabbing kidneys like that! Bring it back!