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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Absence

Sunny: Dr. Cox, two quick things. First off, I looked up a picture of Sonny Bono, and my feelings are very, very hurt.
Dr. Cox: Noted.
Sunny: Apology accepted. Second, I know we're aren't supposed to ask you About Mr. Francone-
Dr. Cox: Huh?
Sunny: The potato.
Dr. Cox: Right.
Sunny: See, the thing is, his sister just called from London, and she was hoping we could keep Mr. Francone - the potato - alive until she got here. Can you please help?
Dr. Cox: Let me see his chart. I'll tell you what to do first. Go ahead and write this down. Wrap him in foil and poke holes in him with a fork so he cooks all the way through.

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