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Quote from Dr. Kelso in His Story IV

Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] Time to visit my one random patient of the day, and then it's off to the office and hello, nappy-nap. Brian Dancer has hydrocephalus. Okay, turn on the down-home crapola.
Dr. Kelso: Hey there, young fella. How the heck are you? Bob Kelso here. I understand that since your head wound, you have had some short term memory loss.
Brian: Head wound? [off Kelso's look] No, I'm just kidding, Doctor... Ah, see, now I'm embarrassed because that one's real.
Dr. Kelso: That doesn't matter, son.
Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] Bob Kelso, write it down, dammit!

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