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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Rite of Passage

Jordan: Let's go, Per.
Dr. Cox: I have been waiting for an hour.
Jordan: I know. I was leafing through a magazine and watching you on the security cameras. My favorite part is when you said, "Screw her!" and stormed out. But then you came back 'cause you realized I have the keys.
Dr. Cox: Jordan, now that you work here every day, if the carpool torturing persists, I'm gonna put Plexiglas separator down the middle of the car so you can't drive me crazy. You can't, you can't, you can't. Unfortunately, your door handle doesn't work from the inside, which simply means that if we're in a fiery crash, you won't be able to get out. However, that's a risk I'm sure willing to take.

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