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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Last Chance

Dr. Cox: Sorry about your collarbone. Say, I've got a community service form here, would you sign it for me?
Denise: Sure thing, Per. So, you gonna come by and visit me later?
Dr. Cox: Denise, that's not very likely. And here's why: All you do is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. And when you're not talking, I'm betting you're thinking about talking. I mean, can I ask you a personal question? Have you ever had a thought that you didn't immediately verbalize?
Denise: Well, I don't know. That's a tough one, Per. Oh, look, the window's open again. You can see the moon.
Dr. Cox: Oh, my God. What happened in your life that made you so needy that you've got to fill every waking second by babbling on?
Denise: Fine, don't visit. My son will come.
Dr. Cox: And now we are right back on your son again. I'll be honest with you, I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to get your voice out of my head. It is a very real concern. [walks out into hallway]
E.M.T.: Hey, did you leave anything in the ambulance?
Dr. Cox: Only my will to live, why?
E.M.T.: Then I guess this is your partner's.
[After the E.M.T. hands Dr. Cox a baseball card, he recalls what Denise said earlier: "See, now, I got my son, Davey, a Ken Griffey Jr. card. Carries it with him wherever he goes. He's ten there. He'll always be that age to me. I wish I had more time with him, though." Dr. Cox returns to Denise's room.]
Dr. Cox: What happened to your son, Denise?
Denise: He died in an accident. Paramedics were amazing, though. That's actually the reason I became one. I really miss him, you know? [Dr. Cox gives her the baseball card] Thanks a lot.

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