Quote from J.D. in My New Game
J.D.: [v.o.] Today I walk in here not as a resident but as a chief. Chief resident. Chief resident Dorian. Chiefy chiefy chief. Janitor: What's that, your new, uh, cool guy walk? J.D.: No, I have rocks in my shoe. J.D.: [v.o.] Wow, that's a lot of rocks. I gotta stop taking that short-cut through the quarry. Anyway, the best thing about my new job is that I command a lot more respect. J.D.: Chief resident in the house! Everybody say hey-ay! Man: Hey-ay! J.D.: [v.o.] Even though Councilman Donovan was handcuffed to that chair because once again he was flying high on crystal meth, his respect felt good. Honestly, it's the reason I keep voting for him.