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Quote from Dr. Kelso in My Fifteen Minutes

Dr. Kelso: Well, if it isn't Dr. Turk, the friendly face of Sacred Heart.
Turk: Yeah. Dr. Kelso, about these posters, they're kind of making me uncomfortable.
Dr. Kelso: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you felt that way. Well, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna leave them up.
Turk: I can live with that. Or I can sue you.
Dr. Kelso: Dr. Turk, you are an employee here. I can advertise however I wish. I can use your image, your name, I can manufacture tiny little Dr. Turk action figures. It'll cost $12.95 and when you pull the string, it says: "I don't like these posters!"

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