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Quote from J.D. in My ABC's

Carla: You're going to make her get the DNR? An intern shouldn't have to convince a wife to let her husband die.
J.D.: She's got to learn how to show some compassion. I'm throwing her in at the deep end.
Carla: There's got to be a better way to teach that.
Elmo: Elmo would love to help.
J.D.: Denise, could you come here for a second? You be the patient, and I'll be the doctor.
Elmo: How's this?
J.D.: Don't worry, buddy. I'm going to take care of you.
Elmo: Elmo knows that together, we can get through this.
J.D.: And scene.
Denise: I get it know.
Elmo: Oh, yeah! She gets it, she gets it! Yeah, baby! Yeah, baby, yeah baby! Thank you. [hugs Denise] Yeah.
J.D.: Okay, easy buddy.
Elmo: What, she's your woman?
J.D.: What is Elmo? A seal?

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